Team Performance Consultant London


What is behavioural profiling?

The team at Stripey Lemon Ltd are firm believers in the use of behavioural profiling to improve the workplace environment. An individual service or delivered in line with training, behavioural profiling sees the creation of individual reports for employees, identifying a set of each person’s key behaviours. Whether you are diplomatic, reserved, or analytical in certain situations, behavioural profiling will make these characteristics more transparent to you and your workplace.

What are the benefits?

It is vital that management staff and other team members are aware of each other’s behaviours to help nurture a more welcoming, productive workplace. Behavioural profiling allows individuals to recognise situations that may cause stress or negativity, giving them the opportunity to alleviate issues before they have a detrimental impact on your wellbeing or career.

Companies can utilise behavioural profiling to get a better understanding of their employees, recognising how individuals differ and how to get the most out of each member of staff. As a whole, these profiles serve as a way to enhance the productivity of your business, helping staff work better with each other and communicate more clearly.


renowned C-Me and DiSC behavioural profiling systems

Our specialists create reports that outline the key behaviours of each participant. But the profiles are simply where the training begins.

We work to ensure each participant understands the behavioural types within the company so they can recognise and handle varying behaviours within the workplace.
Led by expert Karen Morton, we can organise interactive training which allows management and employees to put the knowledge of their behavioural profiles into effect. These group sessions will allow varying personalities to engage with each other, recognising similarities and differences, and put their understanding of each other and their behaviours to the test with some fun, engaging activities.

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Book our services today

Enquire with Stripey Lemon Ltd for behavioural profiling, additional training and more, specifically tailored to your needs and budget.