Corporate Employee Training Workshops London


programmes tailored to your workplace

Stripey Lemon Ltd serves businesses and employees across the UK and Ireland with training packages designed to meet your exact needs. Through detailed research and specialist training, our team will develop programmes tailored to address issues and solve problems within the workplace. The UK average employee turnover sits at approximately 15% a year, with this figure fluctuating drastically between industries. Is your company facing attrition rates higher than the UK average and you want to take action?

conducting thorough research

Our training experts are available to enter your workplace, conduct thorough research to understand the reasons behind your high turnover and develop a programme that introduces initiatives to increase engagement with staff and create a better work environment.

Nearly a third of UK businesses reported a fall in turnover in January 2022, with over half citing the coronavirus pandemic as the main reason. Have the sales in your company been negatively impacted by the pandemic and are struggling to recover? Stripey Lemon Ltd will deliver a unique training package to target increased sales within the business, working directly with employees and management to develop and perfectly innovative techniques to boost morale and sales figures.

Remote working continues to dominate the employment landscape, with BBC research revealing 50 of the UK’s largest employers have no current plans to return all members of staff to the office full-time. Yet since emerging from lockdown, new ONS statistics showed 85% of employees currently working from home would prefer a hybrid approach.


Has remote working caused a lack of engagement with your staff?

Would you like to develop remote working strategies that are convenient for employees while also strengthening and fostering a sense of teamwork and togetherness?

Our training specialists will design packages that investigate employee and manager working patterns to deliver a strategy that gets the most of each individual and recaptures the engagement that may have been lost with remote working.

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60% of employers do not know where to go for advice about employing autistic people?

Did you know the employment rate is only 62.8% for ethnic minorities in the UK? Did you also know hiring chances can increase up to 46% for women taking part in blind applications?

Do you want your company to be more representative of society and your customer base with people of different genders, sexualities, ethnicities, disabilities and social classes? The experts at Stripey Lemon Ltd will work with management staff to foster a more welcoming workplace for all with sessions on microaggressions, demonstrating how and why they are inappropriate, and supporting a change in company culture to make every individual feel valued for their differences.

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Innovative & Engaging Methods

At Stripey Lemon Ltd we adopt a number of innovative and engaging methods to design training packages on leadership management, motivational leadership, management development, communications skills, customer relations and more to support businesses and employees across the UK and Ireland.